Before you apply a weed killer, you must first determine when to apply it. The best time to apply the product is between May and October when the weeds are actively growing. However, if you apply it...
Category: Weeds
Weeds are plants that can grow into trees. Tree-of-Heaven, Purple loosestrife, Black locust, and White mulberry are examples. However, weed trees are difficult to identify because their roots are...
You may be wondering, "Can weeds kill plants?" After reading this article, you may be ready to get rid of your unwanted neighbors. Weeds can cause damage to your plants for a variety of reasons,...
Expert gardeners recommend delaying weed spraying until after a heavy rainfall. In fact, spraying weeds before a heavy rainfall may cause a plant to become stressed and thicken its cuticle, which...
The question of "Will weeds kill grass seed?" is a frustrating one, especially those with shallow roots. If you've sown your grass seed six to eight weeks ago, you should notice weeds coming out of...
Can weeds grow through artificial grass? It is possible for weeds to grow on the surface of the grass, but most often, they grow on the infill material underneath. To control them, apply a weed...
There are a couple of common questions that gardeners face when it comes to weed control: should weeds be pulled before spraying? One is whether weeds should be pulled while they're still young and...
The question is, "Should weeds be removed before overseeding?" There are several ways to accomplish this task: Manual weed removal, Vinegar as a non-toxic 'weed killer', and Spraying a rake with a...
Are you looking for an easy way to kill weeds? Bleach, Vinegar, and Baking soda can be effective options. But will anything kills weeds in an area permanently? There is currently nothing that you...
To prevent weeds from growing through river rocks, you should use the following methods: Clear out any debris in the area, remove invasive plants from the area and dig out roots and mud. You can also...
Can you kill weeds with electricity? That's a question posed by robots that find and zap weeds. Is it possible to use electricity to kill weeds without herbicides? Here's what you need to know to...
If you're thinking of dethatching your lawn, you might be wondering, "Should I kill weeds before dethatching?" The good news is that dethatching does not spread weed seeds or pollen. But the bad news...
You should kill weeds before tilling your garden. Weeds have several different types, including annual and perennial. Annual weeds sprout and die within one growing season and a calendar year. Annual...
If you're considering aerating your lawn, you'll want to consider when the best time to aerate is. New life has the best chance of growing in the area when aeration takes place, so it's best to...
This article will provide an overview of the benefits of using a tarp to kill weeds. Tarps have a variety of benefits, such as suppressing worms and reducing soil nitrate levels. One way to make your...
You can use a heat gun to kill weeds in your garden, but you need to be sure that the nozzle of the gun is not directly in the weed's growth zone. This can cause the weed to overheat, and that will...
If you're wondering how to get rid of weeds with a blowtorche, you've come to the right place. Read on to learn more about this powerful garden tool and other ways to kill weeds in your yard. Weed...
Many common weeds are perennial and can survive freezing temperatures. A common example is annual bluegrass, which can survive 6 weeks under snow. Perennial weeds may lose their leaves during the...
Weeds are considered food by many insect species, including 30 percent of beetles. Many species of flies, such as house flies, feed on decaying organic matter. They can also be found in garbage cans...
Weeds are one of the most difficult problems to manage in the garden. Weeds grow in a variety of different habitats and react in different ways to tillage and fertilization. Different species of weed...
Should you pull weeds after spraying? The answer to that question depends on the kind of weeds you're dealing with. Weeds start to show up in the spring, and it's easier to remove them when they're...
One of the most frustrating aspects of a deck is seeing weeds growing through the grating. You can use pre-emergent weed killer to kill the early-stage weeds, but that won't kill mature weeds. If...
Do weeds attract mice? Yes, they do. According to a recent study by biologist Richard Whittaker, the answer to this question is yes. Mice are attracted to food and animal byproducts, and common weed...
Is pulling weeds an effective method for preventing weed growth? In this article, we'll discuss the methods that work and how the methods affect the growth of weeds. We'll also discuss why pulling...
Weeds love warm, sunny weather. It dries up the soil and causes the turf to thin, making them perfect breeding grounds for weeds. They also thrive in hot spots, like sidewalks and driveways. Here are...
You can learn how to burn weeds with a flame weed torch and Bleach and Vinegar. But how do you prevent them from coming back? Here are a few tips for burning weeds: Flame weeding One question...
One common question people ask is, "Can you spray weeds at night?" The answer is, "Yes!" If you are able to spray weed killer at night, you can put about three times as much product into the air than...
Whether you have a sandy garden or you are just curious about what kind of plants grow in sand, you may be wondering: Can weeds grow in sand? You may be surprised to learn that annual broad-leafed...
Do goats eat weeds? If you are planning to raise goats, you may want to consider growing some different types of grass for them to eat. Here's a look at some types of grass goats love to eat. Read on...
Weeds and Your Home's Foundation Weeds can cause significant damage to a home's foundation. Weed stems and roots seek out cracks and openings, then expand to cause significant damage. These weeds...
Many people wonder, "Can a tiller remove weeds?" After all, a tiller is a powerful tool that can be used for all kinds of gardening work, from clearing weeds to mowing lawns. However, not all tillers...