- 1 Grass seed in horses can lead to insulin resistance and pasture laminitis
- 2 Buckwheat, clover, and twitch grass seeds cause diarrhea and laminitis
- 3 White clover varieties with improved grazing tolerance
- 4 Rye grass varieties with improved grazing tolerance
- 5 Squirreltail grass causes liver disease and photosensitization
Horses can eat grass seed in large quantities, but not all of it is good for them. Some species may cause laminitis and insulin resistance in horses. Buckwheat, clover, and twitch grass seeds should not be given to horses for several reasons.
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However, some varieties have improved grazing tolerance. In this article, we will discuss the dangers of buckwheat and clover.
Grass seed in horses can lead to insulin resistance and pasture laminitis
Grass seed in horses is a common cause of pasture laminitis and metabolic complications in horses. Overweight and obese horses are at increased risk for laminitis. This condition affects equine athletes as well as those that are easy to maintain. Insufficient exercise is another risk factor for this condition. Proper exercise is essential to reduce the risk of laminitis in all horses.
Grass seed is high in fructans, which are carbohydrates stored in plant tissue. Horses can consume high-carb pastures during sunny days, but their energy stores are lowest at dawn. At night, plants use these carbohydrates to make plant tissue. During the day, horses can consume large amounts of grass seed and graze on high-carb pastures. Grass seed is high in fructans, a compound found in the same carbohydrates found in cereal grains.
Although research in horses is limited, some evidence suggests that grass seed can contribute to laminitis. Ingesting large amounts of grass seed is associated with insulin resistance. The RIRDC has published a study that relates insulin resistance to pasture laminitis. This animal disease is usually the result of a large amount of non-structural carbohydrate in the diet.
The effects of pasture seed on horses include laminitis and metabolic syndrome. Excessive consumption of hay and pasture seed has also been associated with insulin resistance. However, there is no conclusive proof of this association. But if your horse is consuming high-carbohydrate pastures, consider reducing its intake of grass seed. While grass seed may not lead to laminitis, the excessive amount of sugar will impair its ability to digest glucose.
Buckwheat, clover, and twitch grass seeds cause diarrhea and laminitis
Disease of the respiratory system is known as equine influenza virus. This disease spreads through stables, hard feed, and between animals. The disease is more prevalent in South Africa and Russia, but it can infect horses and cattle in all locations. The virus is transmitted through the blood of infected animals. The disease is spread from cows, buffalo, camels, giraffes, and chamois.
The problem with these seeds is that they are toxic to cattle and can affect the central nervous system and milk. These plants are also rare in the United States. Some experimenters feed cattle 25 pounds of dry matter per day to get a better grasp of the problem. The seeds may be ingested by horses in large quantities, but they can lead to serious digestive problems.
Buckwheat, clover, and rye-grass contain photodynamic pigments. This substance affects the horse’s digestive system, leading to diarrhea and laminitis. In addition to diarrhea and laminitis, buckwheat, clover, and twitch grass seeds contain sand that can irritate the horse’s digestive system.
Feeding cattle on these grasses can also lead to foot and mouth disease and ergotism, which are both potentially fatal. A vet should monitor the property for signs of infection to minimize the risk of spreading the disease to other animals. The veterinarian can also administer a solution of a 5 percent pure carbolic acid and 40 percent formaldehyde.
A mixture of sulphate of soda and water is often used to relieve indigestion. It’s best to mix the solution with water and let it sit for 10 minutes. The rumen contents should be removed if distention occurs, as it may mimic gastrointestinal disease. This remedy is effective in most cases but may not be suitable for all horses.
White clover varieties with improved grazing tolerance
Improvements in grazing tolerance can help to improve the performance of a white clover crop. This perennial grass contributes to the biodiversity of pastures and is widely used for livestock feed. It is difficult to predict its behavior under grazing conditions, since little is known about the interactions between the plant and grazing animals. Various factors, including genotype and management, can affect the performance of a clover crop.
Improvements in grazing tolerance in white clover varieties have led to greater versatility. This grass can be grown for livestock grazing or for use in rotational leys. White clover grass seed is also a suitable companion grass for medium and long term leys. Large-leaf varieties of white clover are best suited for these uses. They can be grazed by cattle and sheep for up to two weeks before the pasture becomes overrun by a heavy grazing pressure.
Improvements in grazing tolerance of white clover are possible through breeding. In the IBERS breeding programme, the breeders have developed new varieties with improved drought tolerance and agronomic performance. Some of these hybrids are able to persist better under various grassland management systems. For example, the rhizomatous root characteristic of white clover has been transferred from a drought-tolerant Caucasian clover.
Several trials in Florida have demonstrated the viability of the new white clover varieties. In addition, the improved grazing tolerance of white clover varieties is a boon to farmers in marginal areas. While white clover is traditionally grown for its high productivity, it has also been used as a cover crop in vineyards and orchards. White clover is commonly grown as a mixture with other grasses, such as Bermudagrass, bromegrass, tall fescue, and timothy. For best results, white clover varieties are often mowed frequently, so frequent mowing is recommended.
Rye grass varieties with improved grazing tolerance
The production of ryegrass may continue through early May, depending on soil moisture and nitrogen management. In late August to early October, rye is best seeded in prepared seedbeds. Grazing is best avoided during late fall and early winter. Ryegrass can be harvested when its stubble is at least 2 1/2 inches tall. To prevent a crop from turning yellow, graze it only after a full growing season has ended.
A better-grazing rye variety is also more tolerant of cold weather and soil acidity. It grows earlier than other winter annual grasses and produces more forage in late winter. In south Georgia, some varieties begin seedhead production in mid-January. These characteristics make rye a good choice for late-season grazing. Grazing season: The earlier the ryegrass is planted, the longer it can provide forage.
Annual ryegrass provides good seedling vigor and early-season weed control. In warmer climates, this variety also provides great early-season weed control. However, this variety will winterkill without a protective snow cover. Nevertheless, this type will serve as a good mulch in the absence of snow. This species can be oversown into many high-value crops. Sow it in a weed-free area to provide the most nutrients and energy forage.
Breeding for grazing tolerance requires careful planning and research. Genetic improvement of a crop is a necessary step to meet the demands of livestock production. Breeding for improved grazing tolerance may help farmers achieve higher yields. There is a growing need for higher-quality varieties that will better handle grazing. The benefits are immense. A better-quality ryegrass is more likely to survive a drought or be protected from grazing animals.
Squirreltail grass causes liver disease and photosensitization
Squirreltail grass is a plant found in large amounts in Western states. It is often associated with green rabbitbrush and mountain snowberry. In Idaho and Montana, it is also associated with black sagebrush, bluebunch wheatgrass, and spineless horsebrush. The problem with this plant is that it is extremely toxic to horses. If your horse eats it, you must take special precautions to prevent it from infecting your horse.
According to Dr. Stephen White, professor of dermatology and chief of service at the University of California in Davis, photosensitivity in horses is usually caused by a substance called a photodynamic agent, which absorbs energy from light and transfers it to the skin cells. This process causes photosensitization, and the problem is usually fatal. Unlike the human species, however, horses are sensitive to blue-green algae and other plants.
If you notice any of these symptoms, your horse may be suffering from photosensitivity or liver disease. Early stages may not be noticeable, but the symptoms can be similar to those of sunburn. Liver enzymes and liver biopsies can be done to confirm the disease. Porphyrins may also be present in the blood, urine, and feces. If your horse shows any of these symptoms, consult your veterinarian for further testing.
Squirreltail grass is a toxin to horses. It irritates the gastrointestinal system and can cause liver disease and photosensitization around the coronary band. To prevent this, you should try to keep your horse away from the grass and put him on high-quality hay. You should also make sure the hay is high in fiber and free of other harmful substances.